Today I'll show you the third manicure in the Getting ready for Christmas Challenge - already - and this one was intitled "Under the Mistletoe".

I started with two coats of Golden Rose -Rich Color 18 on all nails, except my ring finger, on which I applied Avon -Prompt and Pearly. The mistletoe design was created using Bundle Monster's BM-302 plate. I added three red rhinestones and clear top coat. What do you think?
Don't forget to visit Elsa's blog, Like a candy shop, to see all the manicures from this challenge.
Today I'll show you the third manicure in the Getting ready for Christmas Challenge - already - and this one was intitled "Under the Mistletoe".

I started with two coats of Golden Rose -Rich Color 18 on all nails, except my ring finger, on which I applied Avon -Prompt and Pearly. The mistletoe design was created using Bundle Monster's BM-302 plate. I added three red rhinestones and clear top coat. What do you think?
Don't forget to visit Elsa's blog, Like a candy shop, to see all the manicures from this challenge.
Nu uitati ca daca locuiti pe teritoriul Romaniei puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Daca va inregistrati acum, beneficiati de o reducere de 10% la prima comanda. Urmariti si pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.
Modelul de pe inelar e pictat?? Arata fain!!
@Alexandra Diana Catanoaia: e stampilat si pictat peste :D
foarte frumushele :)
Ce frumoase sunt! E minunat verdele asta!
Awww such a pretty manicure! That nail polish is the exact same colour of your blog's background! :D And I love your nails btw :)
So pretty!!
That is soooo pretty, one of my favorite Christmas manicures Iv'e seen thus far. great job, love that shade of green!
foarte frumoasa :)
Imi place tare mult modelul de pe inelar. <3
Awww ce frumi sunt <3
Foarte frumoasa culoarea ojei
Frumușică manichiura ta de sărbătoare ^_^ Datorită culorilor și modelului ales se încadrează perfect în tiparul Crăciunului
Very pretty!
Foarte frumoasa manichiura, iar oja de la GR e minunata :)
Foarte frumos
Foarte frumoasa culoarea si manichiura!
Really beautiful! Great job xx
Imi place verdele asta la nebunie! :D
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