Tuesday 31 December 2013

Retrospective: Best of 2013

This post will be a retrospective of this creations. Hope you liked them as much as I did! Perhaps you'll find your favourites between my most popular posts - they main criteria when choosing them was the number of views and comments. Just click on the pictures below to go to the original post.







July - yes, there are two manicures for this month. I simply couldn't pick between them,
I love both so much! Seems like I have way more inspiration in the summer.






In the end, I'd like to thank you for all your support during this year. Your feedback and kind comments really mean a lot for me. Thanks to your help, we are about 7000 persons on Konad Addict (GFC, bloglovin and email subscribers, summed up).
I'd like to wish you a very happy new year and send you all my faithful gratitude! May 2014 be better than the year that just passed. 

If you wish to stay in touch in the year that comes, too, make sure to follow me on bloglovin and GFC, but also on:
-Facebook @Maria's nail art
-Instagram @konadaddict
-Twitter @maR_yya

Sunday 29 December 2013

Colour of the Year 2014: Radiant Orchid Nail Art

Today I'll show you a manicure I saw in a cutepolish's video and which I liked so much that I decided to recreate it colour with colour. It's inspired by Radiant Orchid, which is the colour of the following year.

I started with two coats of Rimmel -312 Ultra Violet and white it was still wet, I applied a strike of Illamasqua -Vice, and one of China Glaze -Too Yacht To Handle. Using a toothpick, I created the dry marble. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Jewelry from Born Pretty store

Today I'll show you some beautiful pieces of jewelry I recently got from Born Pretty store.

Firstly, here's a Leaf shaped bracelet. You can find it on black, white or green, but I see that the white one is out of stock for the moment. It only costs $2.99 and it's made of leather. The design is really beautiful and it looks gorgeous near another bracelet, like i wore it in the pictures.

Secondly, I got a Bow adjustable ring. It is available both on gold and silver - the one I have is gold. What I particularly like about this ring is that it's huge and very shiny.

Finally, I'll show you the Retro bracelet watch. It comes nicely packed in a square gift box. It's available on 8 colours and it only costs $5.99. What do you think? 

Don't forget to use ASJ61 code for a 10% discount.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Getting ready for Christmas Challenge: 8. The Christmas Red

Today I'll show you The Christmas Red in the Getting ready for Christmas Challenge. I started with two coats of Dior #943 and then applied a coat of Shimmer Polish -Mary. The trees design is from Cheeky's Beauty GA27 and I stamped it using China Glaze -Passion. What do you think?

If you want to see all the girls' creations, don't forget to visit Elsa's blog, Like a candy shop

 You can find Shimmer Polish glitters online, on Etsy. A 0.5 Fl. Oz. bottle costs $12 and they ship polishes worldwide. 

Sunday 22 December 2013

Getting ready for Christmas Challenge: 6. Snowflakes manicure

Today I'll show you Golden Rose -Jolly Jewels #111. This nail polish is so beautiful that I didn't feel the need to add anything more. Two coats in the pictures, no clear top coat. The glittery particles make me think of snowflakes, so I decided that this would be the perfect manicure for the sixth theme in the Getting ready for Christmas Challenge. If you want to see all the girls' creations, don't forget to visit Elsa's blog, Like a candy shop. What do you think?

Nu uitati ca daca locuiti pe teritoriul Romaniei puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Daca va inregistrati acum, beneficiati de o reducere de 10% la prima comanda. Urmariti si pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Getting ready for Christmas Challenge: 5. Blue and silver

Today I'll show you another manicure in the Getting ready for Christmas Challenge. 
If you want to see all the girls' creations, don't forget to visit Elsa's blog, Like a candy shop.

I started with two coats of Pure Ice -French Kiss and then I applied silver polish (Layla -Metal Chrome) on some nails' tips. Using the same colour, I stamped the Christmas designs from Born Pretty's QA19 plate. Finally, I applied  Farmasi Shimmer Nail Enamel #201 on the silver tips and finished with clear top coat. What do you think?


Sunday 15 December 2013

[CLOSED] $100 gift card GIVEAWAY

Does JollyChic sound familiar to you? Well, if not, it will surely sound after you'll hear that they are giving away a $100 gift card with free international shipping! 

What do you have to do to enter?
The rules are simple - just fill in the Rafflecopter form below. Make sure that you finish the first 3 entries - they are mandatory. 

The giveaway is open internationally, so everybody can enter. It will close on December 31st.

Good luck!

Friday 13 December 2013

Getting ready for Christmas Challenge: 4. Red and gold

Today I'll show you the fourth manicure in the Getting ready for Christmas Challenge. 
Don't forget to visit Elsa's blog, Like a candy shop, to see all the manicures from this challenge.

For this one I used two coats of Astor -050 Iconic Red on all nails and then I stamped the globes design on my ring finger and pointer. This one is from BM-H03 image plate and I used China Glaze -Passion. On the rest of the nails, I applied a thick coat of Shimmer Polish -Tracy. I finished with clear top coat.

Perhaps you saw that I was holding something super cute and shiny in the first picture. It's my new necklace from Persunmall, which I fell in love with!

Shimmer Polish -Tracy  - you can find it online, on Etsy. A 0.5 Fl. Oz. bottle costs $12 and they can be shipped worldwide. 

Collar necklace - Persunmall ($7.99  - I see that now it is only available on silver, but that is beautiful, too!)

What do you think?

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Getting ready for Christmas Challenge: 3. Under the Mistletoe


Today I'll show you the third manicure in the Getting ready for Christmas Challenge - already - and this one was intitled "Under the Mistletoe".

I started with two coats of Golden Rose -Rich Color 18 on all nails, except my ring finger, on which I applied Avon -Prompt and Pearly. The mistletoe design was created using Bundle Monster's BM-302 plate. I added three red rhinestones and clear top coat. What do you think?

Don't forget to visit Elsa's blog, Like a candy shop, to see all the manicures from this challenge.

Nu uitati ca daca locuiti pe teritoriul Romaniei puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Daca va inregistrati acum, beneficiati de o reducere de 10% la prima comanda. Urmariti si pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Cadouri de craciun

Articolul de astazi va avea in centrul atentiei sarbatoarea ce se apropie - Craciunul - si provocarea cu care se confrunta cei mai multi dintre noi in aceasta perioada a anului. Pentru mine, cautarea cadourilor este o pasiune si o placere. Imi place sa ofer cadouri mai mult decat imi place sa le primesc si vreau sa fiu tot timpul sigura ca voi satisface persoanele carora le daruiesc. 
Din pacate, aglomeratia din magazine imi ia deseori aceasta placere, asa ca anul acesta am decis sa apelez la magazinele online. De curand am descoperit magazinul Borealy.ro care m-a surprins cu varietatea cadourilor pe care le ofera. 
In randurile care urmeaza, va voi arata cateva produse care mie mi-au atras atentia si sper ca si voua va vor placea. 

In primul rand, am ales un cadou cu o tematica 100% de Craciun. Canile festive nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din casa niciunei persoane. Eu personal am o pasiune pentru ele. Aceste mici obiecte au puterea de a-mi transmite spiritul sarbatorilor. Setul contine o cutie de ceai Pure Ceylon Tea Book care face parte din colectia festiva de Craciun -aceasta contine ceai negru pur din frunze de Ceylon, fructe Goji, sofran si arome naturale de lamaie, portocale si migdale. Ceea ce este spectaculos la acest ceai este cutia in forma de carte, avand pe coperta o imagine de Craciun, totul in culori elegante de rosu si auriu. De asemenea, setul mai contine de doua cani decorate cu fundite, brazi de craciun si binecunoscutul Mos Craciun, dar si alte decoratiuni de Craciun.

In al doilea rand, ceasul puzzle va fi pe placul oricarui copil. Un set pe cât de educativ, pe atat de fascinant, ce explică mecanismul ceasurilor. Kitul vă este oferit cu toate piesele şi instrucţiunile necesare pentru a vă construi propriul ceas mecanic funcţional. Având un grad mediu de dificultate, acest ceas poate fi asamblat în cel mult 20 de minute şi garantează o experienţă unică şi interactivă, deopotrivă pentru părinţi şi copii. Asamblarea acestui inedit ceas reprezintă un proiect educaţional în care se va implica fiecare membru al familiei. Pe birou, în dormitor sau în camera copilului, acest ceas îşi va fascina privitorul cu fiecare ocazie şi va atribui un plus de culoare decorului.

Nu in ultimul rand, mi-a atras atentia Simfonia De Dulciuri Mozart. Setul contine un lichior Mozart Gold si o combinatie de bomboane Mozart. Este un cadou rafinat, de inspiratie vieneza. O alegere cu totul deosebita si eleganta in materie de cadouri femei. Combinatia dintre bomboanele Mozart si lichiorul cu acelasi nume este o adevarata desfatare in stil austriac.
 Cadou Simfonia De Dulciuri Mozart
Pe acesta l-am avut si eu, si trebuie sa recunosc ca l-am savurat pe deplin. 

Care sunt alegerile voastre pentru cadourile de Craciun? Va limitati la a oferi doar persoanelor dragi sau oferiti si mici cadouri simbolice pentru cunoscuti?

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Getting ready for Christmas Challenge: 2. Glitter overload

Today I'll show you the second manicure I prepared for the challenge which I participate in this winter. Elsa from Like a candy shop created this challenge and her idea was great!

This one was really easy to create, yet it is definitely eye-catching! I started with two coats of China Glaze -Too Yacht To Handle and then I applied Shimmer Polish -Wendy. I finished with clear top coat and that was it. What do you think?

The stars of today's post were:
Shimmer Polish -Wendy *
China Glaze -Too Yaucht To Handle **

*You can find Shimmer Polish glitter nail polishes online, on Etsy. A 0.5 Fl. Oz. bottle costs $12 and they can be shipped worldwide. 

**Daca locuiti pe teritoriul Romaniei, puteti comanda aceasta oja China Glaze in exclusivitate de pe 
Beauty in the Bottle. De asemenea, ei aduc la comanda oje de la diferite firme care nu se gasesc in tara noastra, la preturi rezonabile.
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