Today I'll show you a manicure I saw in a cutepolish's video and which I liked so much that I decided to recreate it colour with colour. It's inspired by Radiant Orchid, which is the colour of the following year.
I started with two coats of Rimmel -312 Ultra Violet and white it was still wet, I applied a strike of Illamasqua -Vice, and one of China Glaze -Too Yacht To Handle. Using a toothpick, I created the dry marble. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

foarte frumos ai combinat culorile <3
o manichiura frumoasa si de efect, foarte frumoasa orhideea si eu detin doua sunt florile mele preferate :)
Ce draguta e manichiura. Ador orhideele! :X
wowww.. very good job.
Wow, looks great! Love Orchids!
I saw this on Instagram, it is gorgeous, I love how the colors mesh together.
Aww, this is so pretty!!
Love it! ♥♥♥
Foarte frumoasa manichiura ♥
those colors go really well together :)
I love that effect! and the colours are great together x
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