Today I'll show you the second manicure I prepared for the challenge which I participate in this winter. Elsa from Like a candy shop created this challenge and her idea was great!
This one was really easy to create, yet it is definitely eye-catching! I started with two coats of China Glaze -Too Yacht To Handle and then I applied Shimmer Polish -Wendy. I finished with clear top coat and that was it. What do you think?

The stars of today's post were:
Shimmer Polish -Wendy *
China Glaze -Too Yaucht To Handle **
*You can find Shimmer Polish glitter nail polishes online, on Etsy. A 0.5 Fl. Oz. bottle costs $12 and they can be shipped worldwide.
**Daca locuiti pe teritoriul Romaniei, puteti comanda aceasta oja China Glaze in exclusivitate de pe
Beauty in the Bottle. De asemenea, ei aduc la comanda oje de la diferite firme care nu se gasesc in tara noastra, la preturi rezonabile.
foarte faina combinatie!
Ce frumos arata!
Frumoasa manichiura <3
sclipici, sclipici imi place mult combinatia :D
Wauw, its beautifull!
I actually really love how that glitter looks against that pretty blue colour! :)
Wendy is a super pretty glitter, I might have to look closer at her :)
It's so beautiful... I'm http://minailsart.blogspot.com/ and I'm following you.
E superba manichiura ta, imi place foarte mult combinatia!
pupici :*
So pretty!! I did the same idea with a different color!
Combinatia e superba :)
Cea de la China Glaze e superba <3
Iar modelul facut de tine trebuie incercat :D
Ce glitter dragut... ador efectul de magie realizat de tine :P
gorgeous for sure! :)
cat de frumos arata Shimmer Polish <3 <3
adorabil, vreau sa il incerc si eu desi acum am unghiile foarte mici
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