Tuesday 29 April 2014

Spring must haves and must wear

Today I'll show you a cute manicure I made recently. I started with two coats of Sweet Color gray nail polish and then stamped the chevron design from Bundle Monster's BM-423 image plate. Then I applied some heart water decals from Born Pretty. The bow 3D nail decoration was from the same online nail art store and you can find it here on their website. I finished with clear top coat on all nails. What do you think?

With the same order from Born Pretty store, I also got these orange wood sticks which can have plenty of uses. For example, I use it for pushing my cuticles and picking studs or rhinestones. Any nail art addict should definitely have a set of these.

Don't forget to use ASJ61 code for a 10% discount at Born Pretty store.

Thursday 24 April 2014

THE ONE by Oriflame

Dupa cum bine stiti, Oriflame a lansat de curand un nou brand de machiaj - THE ONE - si odata cu acesta, comunitatea internationala de bloggeri “THE ONE COLLECTIVE".
Acest brand a fost facut pentru a imbina moda cu standardele inalte ale machiajului si astfel au fost create trei game distincte: Frumusete de zi cu zi, Mega impact si Ultra rezistenta. Oriflame ne-a obisnuit deja cu produse de foarte buna calitate si sunt convinsa ca nici acestea nu ne vor dezamagi. Profesionale dar in acelasi timp usor de folosit, produsele THE ONE ne vor fi de mare folos in realizarea oricarui machiaj. Vizualizati filmuletul de mai jos pentru a vedea cum puteti realiza un machiaj simplu si de efect.

Din gama Ultra rezistenta nu lipsesc lacurile de unghii, pe care vreau neaparat sa le incerc. Nuantele sunt superbe, iar rezistenta vine ca un bonus. Le veti vedea cat de curand pe blog!

PS: Si tu poti face parte din comunitatea internationala de bloggeri“THE ONE COLLECTIVE”. Daca vrei sa testezi noile produse THE ONE, citeste acest articol pentru mai multe informatii.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Tiffany box nail art

Today I'll show you my new manicure I created with my untried - for really long time -  Love, Charlotte nail polish. I applied two coats of it on each nail and then stuck the white bow decoration from Kkcenterhk on my accent nail. I created the white stripes using Golden Rose Nail Art 101 to make my nails look like a gift box. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Nu uitati ca puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Urmariti pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.

PS: Did you see this week's activity at Lovelywholesale?
They've launched their Instagram page and do activity there.
This week's activity is “Follow to win $50”. It will last 5 days from 22nd to 26th Apr. They will choose 10 winners and each one gets $50 (2 winners published every day) . Click here!

*** Later edit: I just felt I need to change this post's title to Tiffany box nail art. You were right in the comments! ***

Monday 21 April 2014

Romwe giveaway

Good news, I have another giveaway for you! It starts now and will last for 5 days only, so enter now! This contest is in collaboration with Romwe and you have the chance to get the leggings in the picture below for FREE. 

How to enter? 
1. Add a comment on the product page via your Facebook account and show these beautiful leggings some love - CLICK HERE.
2. Tell me you have done it by leaving a comment at this post.
Include in the comment: 
-your follower name of Konad Addict: you have to follow my blog to enter
(GFC, bloglovin or email)
-your Facebook name
-your email address

*Bonus entry for those who follow my instagtam account @konadaddict.
Good luck!

If you don't feel lucky, the leggings will be only $15.99 on the 24th April.  Use coupon code10%offleggings for another 10% discount.

**The winner of this giveaway is Ana Onofrei. Congrats!**

Saturday 19 April 2014

Rainbow gradient for Easter nail art

Today I'll show you the manicure I'm going to wear this Easter. I started with a rainbow gradient base which I liked so much that couldn't prevent myself from sharing. I just applied a coat of white nail polish and then applied pink, yellow, green and light purple on a sponge. I applied clear top coat to beautifully blend the colours together. 
You can find the pink animal print leggings I was wearing at Romwe.
After that, I stamped the chevron design from Bundle Monster's BM-423 plate using white nail polish. On my accent nail, I applied a 3D star shaped decoration which I got from Born Pretty store. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Don't forget to use ASJ61 code for a 10% discount at Born Pretty store.

I couldn't help but share this milestone. Thank you so much for following my blog and for commenting my posts! It really means so much for me. Welcome all my new followers and thank you the old ones for being faithful.
Happy Easter everyone! May the holidays bring happiness in your souls!

Friday 18 April 2014

Butterfly nail art

Today I'll show you my manicure created with Butter London -Lovely Jubbly and Born Pretty's butterfly water decals. I started with three coats of the glittery polish on all nails, except from my ring finger, on which I applied Avon -Well being and then stuck the decal. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?


Don't forget to use ASJ61 code for a 10% discount at Born Pretty store.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Rochii de primavara de pe Karla.ro

Pot spune ca primavara s-a instalat in sfarsit cu adevarat, ceea ce imi da o stare de bine, dar si o pofta uriasa de cumparaturi. Vremea calduroasa si insorita ma face sa visez mereu la fuste si rochii, iar cu acest prilej am sa va vorbesc despre noua colectie de rochii Karla.ro. Tocmai ce au lansat-o, iar preturile incep de la 69 de lei! Magazinul online reuseste sa surprinda cu o larga varietate de produse, de la rochii viu colorate si alb-negru pana la salopete ce vor atrage orice privire. 
Avand deja o experienta destul de vasta in comandarea de haine online, pot spune ca se poate observa o foarte buna calitate a produselor inca din pozele de prezentare. Da, pozele pot fi inselatoare uneori, asa ca am fost nevoita sa-mi formez un ochi antrenat in gasirea oricarei mici imperfectiuni. Rasfoind paginile magazinului Karla, trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am gasit niciun defect, lucru extrem de semnificativ pentru raportul foarte bun intre calitate si pret. 

Va las cateva din favoritele mele in pozele de mai jos. 

Totusi, preferata mea ramane rochia Anna. Mi se pare ca are o oarecare eleganta si este potrivita multor situatii. As asorta-o cu niste pantofi rosii, cu toc foarte inalt. Pretul este si el foarte 
atractiv: 69.99 lei. 

Tot pe Karla.ro gasiti si categoria Outlet, unde preturile incep de la 39 de lei. Va invit sa aruncati si voi o privire la frumoasele rochii disponibile. Colorate sau nu, piesele alese cu bun gust vor pune in evidenta orice silueta daca sunt atent selectate. 
Eu sunt sigura ca nu voi reusi sa ma abtin de la o comanda de pe acest site in aceasta primavara. Site-ul ofera si transport gratuit pentru comenzile peste 200 de lei, un alt avantaj daca doriti sa palsati o comanda mai mare. Voi ce parere aveti? Va tenteaza vreo rochie? 

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Bundle Monster nail art cabochons + GIVEAWAY

Today I'll show you how I improved my last manicure with some 3D nail decorations from Bundle Monster. As you know, I started with two coats of Golden Rose -Galaxy 12 on all nails. On my ring finger, I applied a coat of gray nail polish and then a generous ammount of clear top coat to stick my cabochon. And that was it! 

Now if you'd like to win some nail art cabochons, keep reading!

This was a set containing 5 pieces of 3D decorations. I will give the rest of the set away to one lucky winner.

Are you afraid you won't be able to use them properly? 
There's no need to be. I, for one, was amazed at how easy it was to apply. You don't need any nail glue or other harmful substances - some clear top coat will do it.

When to wear them?
These cabochons are the perfect alternative when you need a quick, yet eye-catchy and elegant manicure. 

If you'd like to participate, fill in the Rafflecoopter form below. Good luck! 
The giveaway will close on the 26th of April.

Monday 14 April 2014

Golden Rose -Galaxy 12

Today I'll show you an extremely beautiful, sugary textured nail polish. It's Golden Rose -Galaxy 12 and I don't think there is anything else to say about its beauty. I applied two coats of it and no other top coat. I wanted a blue sand effect nail polish for so long and I think I've just found the perfect one! What do you think?  

Puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Urmariti pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.

Monday 7 April 2014

Pink awesomeness

Today I'd like to show you my new pink manicure - a very easy to do one, yet very eye-catchy. I started with two coats of Golden Rose -Holiday #82 on all nails, except from my middle and ring finger. On those two nails, I applied two coats of Golden Rose -Rich Color #08. Then I added some details. On my middle finger, I applied some nail vinyls I got from Ebay and painted a coat of gold above. Finally I removed the tape and  applied some clear top coat. On my ring finger, I applied a golden heart stud which I got Born Pretty store.

Nu uitati ca puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Urmariti pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.

Yellow gradient manicure

Today I'll show you a manicure inspired by @kgrdnr on Instagram. We did a #maniswap: I recreated her mani and she recreated one of my manis. The result was simply awesome!
 I started with two coats of Flormar -M01 on all nails, except from my ring finger. Then, using a sponge and Avon -Inspire, I created the yellow gradient.
On my ring finger, I firstly applied some striping tape and then applied the polishes with a sponge. After everything has dried, I removed the tape.
Finally, I applied Farmasi -Shimmer Nail Enamel #201. The golden studs used are from Born Pretty store.

You can see my #maniswap post on Instagram.

Friday 4 April 2014

Win 3 OASAP tees. Yes, you heard me right, 3 pieces!

Most OASAP items are on sale
http://www.oasap.com/11-skirts++2 Starting from $11.9!

Have a glimpse at OASAP’s spring-summer tee new-ins! Now they offer the chance to win your most loved 3 tees among http://www.oasap.com/content/234-summer-print-collection!

How to win?
By commenting with a post link about the 5 new tees here on one of your social platforms.Also include the email address with wich you are registered on Oasap.
OASAP will choose 1-3 lucky stars according to the number of participants! Good luck!

Wednesday 2 April 2014

[CLOSED] Rosewholesale Giveaway

Spring has finally came and I decided to celebrate its coming with you all. And what better way to celebrate is there if not through an awesome giveaway?
Here you can find the items in the giveaway picture: lace blouse, skirt, shoes, bag, necklace

In this giveaway, you have the chance to win your faourite product* from Rosewholesale.com
If you didn't hear about their website until now, Rosewholesale is an online store selling women and men clothing, jewelry, shoes, bags and fancy accessories. I recommend that you start browsing through its pages right now, as you will have to tell me what's your favourite item!

How to enter?
Just fill in the Rafflecopter form below. The first two entries are mandatory and the rest of them are extra entries. Please carefully read all the steps.

The giveaway is open internationally and will close on the 25th of April.

Good luck!

*the value of the product you chose should be between $10 and $15.
Free counters!