Today I'll show you Golden Rose -Impression #13, applied over black nail polish (Flormar #399). I only applied a coat of the glittery particles and they were dense enough and uniforme. I finished with clear top coat and three cute black rhinestones on my ring finger. What do you think?
Astazi va voi arata Golden Rose -Impression #13, aplicata peste oja neagra ((Flormar #399). Am aplicat doar un strat din acest glitter ceea ce a ajuns pentru o acoperire densa si uniforma. In final, am aplicat top coat reansparent si trei pietricele negre pe inelar. Ce parere aveti?
Nu uitati ca daca locuiti pe teritoriul Romaniei puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Daca va inregistrati acum, beneficiati de o reducere de 10% la prima comanda. Urmariti si pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.

Foarte draguta oja!
Frumos! N-am apucat inca sa port oja asta cum se cuvine :D
I'm not so fond of bar glitters, but I like this mani a lot anyhow :)
This manicure looks so festive! :D
<3 superba
Foarte frumoase !
I never thought I'd say this but I actually like this polish, these type have never been my favourite but this colour combo looks gorgeous! xo
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