Today I'll show you the manicure I wore this Halloween. It's funny because I used two different collections called Holiday to create this nail art. I started with two coats of Golden Rose Holiday #80 and then
stamped various designs from Bundle Monster's Holiday BM-H08 plate using black polish. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Nu uitati ca daca locuiti pe teritoriul Romaniei puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Daca va inregistrati acum, beneficiati de o reducere de 10% la prima comanda. Urmariti si pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.
Lovely cat! :-)
I have to try my textured Golden Rose too!
big like
vai ce-mi plac <3
Very bright, I love neon nails.
Ce model indraznet :D . Imi place!
That is bright and fun - love it!
SI eu am oja asta si e superba, imi place modelul realizat
Imi place culoarea de baza, e foarte potrivita pentru vara :D Pisicuta e super cute!
Great! I love the black cat, it's like "must have" on Halloween night:D
Ce tare e culoarea <3
Deci arata atat de bine culoarea <3 super
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