Some of you might have already seen this picture on my facebook page. Today I'll show you the 14 polishes from Golden Rose that I own. They're from various collections, such as Impression, Holiday. Rich Color, Carnival and Jolly Jewels.
Unele dintre voi poate ati vazut deja aceasta poza pe pagina mea de facebook. Astazi va voi arata cele 14 oje Golden Rose pe care le detin. Acestea sunt din diferite colectii, cum ar fi Impression, Holiday. Rich Color, Carnival si Jolly Jewels.
Impression is a collection which 'impresses' with the feather effect it gives to the manicure. The glitter particles are coloured, long and thin. Feather nails are lately a trend.
Impression este o colectie care reuseste sa 'impresioneze' prin efectul de pene ce il da manichiurii. Particulele de glitter sunt colorate, lungi si subtiri. In ultima vreme, unghiile cu pene sunt un adevarat trend. Le puteti gasi AICI pe site-ul Cosmania.
Holiday is a textured nail polish collection, also known as sand effect or sugar effect. It actually is a glittery polish with a matte finish. I for one fell in love with this nail polish trend. There are 31 shades available. The ones from #51 to #60 have silver particles and those from #61 to #67 are only matte. The rest of them are part of the Summer collection and there are neon shades.
Holiday este o colectie de oje texturate, cunoscute si ca oje cu efect de nisip sau cu efect de zahar. De fapt, sunt oje cu glitter si cu finish mat. Eu personal m-am indragostit de acest trend. Exista 31 de nuante disponibile in aceasta colectie. Cele de la #51 la #60 au in ele particule argintii, iar cele de la #61 la #67 sunt doar mate. Restul fac parte din colectia Summer si nuantele sunt neonice. Le puteti gasi AICI pe site-ul Cosmania.
From left to right: #53, #54, #58, #59, #75 and #80. |
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Here are two coats of Holiday #75. Aici sunt doua straturi de Holiday #75.
From left to right: Rich Color #18, Carnival #1 and #14, Jolly Jewels #111 and #119 |
Gasiti AICI ojele din colectia Carnival pe site-ul Cosmania.
Gasiti AICI ojele din colectia Jolly Jewels pe site-ul Cosmania.
There will be plenty of Golden Rose manicures on the blog, so stay close!
Vor fi multe manichiuri cu ojele Golden Rose pe blog, asa ca stati pe aproape! Pana atunci, inregistrati-va pe site-ul Cosmania.ro pentru a primi 10% reducere la prima comanda.
Also, let this be my second pink manicure this month.
Vaaaaii, cat de bine arata nisipoasa roz, imi sta inima aici :))))
<3 Imi plac ojele lor.
Utila postare.
toate sunt superbe, nu cred ca as putea alege intre ele :)
Iiii cate oje :) Abia astept sa le vad
wonderful collection :)
Wooow! Mă faci să mă duc și eu să caut câteva nuanțe.Sunt supeeerbe!
So many cool polishes :) I only have some golden rose holo's and magic effects. The brand isn't much available here anymore.
I love #75! Very nice collection
Foarte frumoasa colectia ta de ojd golden rose <3 <3
M-a imolnavit postarea ta!:))
Toate arata extraordinar.
So many pretties - arsenal - hahaha, you made me laugh :)
Ai multe, multe oje frumoase. Superbe sunt toate :)
Foarte frumoasa colectia !
Foarte frumoase ojele
Arata super, ce culori au... dar sunt curioasa, cat tin? :D Merci!
Te astept la concurs: http://diana.doubleweb.ro/concurs-econatura/
I love Golden Rose! I wish I could find them near me. :( Love the mani you did!
Cat de frumoasa este oja GR!
@Alexandra Diana Catanoaia: Pe mine ma tin 4-5 zile, daca nu le sterg eu mai repede :))
cate aaaai!!! unghiutele roz sunt asa dragute <3
oh wow!! ce de minunatii :D
Super dragute!
cool collection :D
Eu ador ojele Golden Rose :)
Wow! Impressive collection!
I am in love with how this pink looks with that grey! So pretty!
vaaaai.. cat sunt de frumoase... nu ma pot decide care arata mai bine.. :D
Toate arata foarte bine ! Eu am doar o oja de la Jolly Jewels care imi place foarte mult!
I love that pink color!
Wow!Le ador pe toate!
Daca te plictisesti vreodata de vreo una din ele, sa mi le dai mie :))
Ce colecție frumoasă ! Tentante oje !
Golden Rose rules <3 Imi place colectia ta :)
Vaiii mor dupa ojele lor <3
Very pretty!
That is a very pretty combination of pink and gray! I love that color :)
I'm in the US. Where can I get Golden Rose polishes? I have seen several shades that I would love to own. Those neon textured polishes are so cool. I have never seen texture polish in neon by any other brand.
@Kellie M: I'm not from US and I really don't know. But I think they are only sold in Europe...
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