Today I'd like to show you my new pink manicure - a very easy to do one, yet very eye-catchy. I started with two coats of Golden Rose -Holiday #82 on all nails, except from my middle and ring finger. On those two nails, I applied two coats of Golden Rose -Rich Color #08. Then I added some details. On my middle finger, I applied some nail vinyls I got from Ebay and painted a coat of gold above. Finally I removed the tape and applied some clear top coat. On my ring finger, I applied a golden heart stud which I got Born Pretty store.

Nu uitati ca puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Cosmania.ro. Urmariti pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile.
tare simpatic modelul! big like!
Foarte draguta combinatia de oje, imi place mult ce ai creat!
Minunate! Si manichiura, ceasul dar si colierul.
Foarte frumoase ,si manichiura dar si tu
Pinkie Pink :)
frumos modelul shi tu ca o floricica <3
Imi plac intregul outfit si unghiutele deseamenea foarte frumoase <3 .
Cat roz ai adunat, imi place mult si doza de auriu. :*
Manichiura este superba si puloverasul e tare pufos
imi place manichiucra , ceasul e wow si inca un wow flori de cires ??
Very cool. Love pink :)
Esti toata roz. :) Iti sta bine! Imi place mult manichiura.
Te pup!
people who are interested in reviewing our nail art items please feel free to contact me via blog@bornprettystore.com
This is Alice from www.bornprettystore.com
Unghiutele sunt superbe, iar colierul e demential !!!! nu stiu cum nu l-am vazut pe site-ul lor.
Pink always rocks! Gorgeous manicure!
Frumoasa combinatia roz - auriu! <3 Iti sta bine in roz, iti lumineaza fata! ; )*
Foarte draguta oja si manichiura!! <3
Lovely one!! I do love pink and your mani was absolutely cute, just like that fluffy sweater! ;)
Tare dragute unghiutele si colierul nu e mai prejos <3
The manicure looks so cute! Goes perfect with your fluffy sweater :)
Ceasul e exact copia unui model de la Michael Kors de care sunt indragostita. e foarte frumos. Sa il porti cu drag
I really love this NA!
So beautiful!
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