Today I'll show you my manicure created with Butter London -Lovely Jubbly and Born Pretty's butterfly water decals. I started with three coats of the glittery polish on all nails, except from my ring finger, on which I applied Avon -Well being and then stuck the decal. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Today I'll show you my manicure created with Butter London -Lovely Jubbly and Born Pretty's butterfly water decals. I started with three coats of the glittery polish on all nails, except from my ring finger, on which I applied Avon -Well being and then stuck the decal. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Don't forget to use ASJ61 code for a 10% discount at Born Pretty store.
Ce bine arata manichiura ta,pup
It's a beautiful combination :)
ce bine arata, foarte draguta combinatia....o maihiura de primavara! :)
beautiful manicure!)
Ce bine arata modelul si oja e tare frumoasa
I love it!
The butterfly is so cute!
Happy Easter my dear!
foarte dragute <3
Love the colors and the beautiful design :)
superba manichiura ta!
So cute. And beautiful color.
E genialaaaaaaaa
Wow! Splendida manichiura. Felicitari pentru cat de frumos ai combinat oja si fluturasul.
Minunata manichiura!
Superb! Imi place ft mult :)
beautiful color <3
I love the colours, gorgeous manicure
butterfly seems a tattoo
Wow, I have to try something like that
wow looks lovely.!!! love the colours
Speachless <3
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