Astazi va voi arata noile mele lacuri de unghii de la Avon. Alaturi de acestea o sa va prezint si sapunul cu scrub pentru calcaie, care a aparut in brosura trecuta. L-am incercat deja si mi-a placut foarte mult textura lui. Patriculele sale sunt fine si indeparteaza bine pielea moarta. Pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile si ofertele lor, dati like paginii Avon Space Romania.
Today I'll show you my new nail polishes from Avon. Together with these, I'll show you the new scrub soap for heels, which has just appeared. I tried it already and I really liked its texture. Its soft particles removed pretty well the dead skin on my feet.
1. Mandarin Magic; 2.Well being; 3. Pink Pearl; 4. Prompt and Pearly |
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1. Noir emerald; 2, Sea Breeze; 3. Inspire; 4. Plum Seduction |
Prima data va voi arata preferata mea dintre toate - Mandarin Magic. Am aplicat doua straturi, care s-au uscat foarte repede. Ce imi place cel mai mult sunt particulele aurii din portocaliul intens. Dupa parerea mea, aceasta nuanta merge foarte bine vara si presimt ca o voi purta mult pe unghii.
Firstly, I'll show you my favourite shade from all - Mandarin Magic. I applied two coats, which dried very fast. What I like the most are the gold particles in the intense orange. In my opinion, this shade is perfect for summer and I feel that I'll wear it a lot on my nails.
Pentru acest model am folosit placuta BM-308 de la Bundle Monster si o oja neagra. Am terminat cu un top coat transparent. Ce parere aveti?
For this design, I used BM-308 image plate from Bundle Monster and black nail polish. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?
culoarea portocaliu in general nu este printre preferatele mele dar acesta este frumos,te pup:)
Those polishes look gorgeous, and wow that orange really is juicy and fruity!
ooh i need more oranges. that one is so pretty
So pretty!! I love Avon nail polishes. I need to order some more. I haven't ordered them in a while!
Ce frumoasa e Mandarin Magic, o vreau si eu :D Din cele prezentate am doar Noir Emerald si Sea Breeze :)
frumoasa nuanta!
I love AVON polish...it has a bad rep sometimes but i have over 100 bottles and i always buy them when my rep delivers a book.....have you seen the new Holo ones....they are awesome, but sadley only sold in the USA :(
The before is just as pretty as the after.
This orange polish is gorgeous! :)
I love Avon nail polishes too. Great haul, dear!
Yummy and such a pretty orange :)
like the orange color
Ce mult imi place manichiura nr.2, cum se fac aceste modele mai exact? Am citit ceva despre o placuta BM-308 de la Bundle Monster... e ca un fel de stampila? De unde se poate cumpara si cam cat a costat? :) Arata super pe unghii!
@Alexandra: Cauta pe Youtube "how to do stamping nail art" si vei afla totul despre aceasta tehnica :) De la noi din Romania se pot cumpara placute de la firma Konad, de pe micmag.ro
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