I told you that before, that I was a lazy person and I had never tried the foil method - until my nails got in a really bad condition because of inappropriate glitter polish removal. So I decided that it was time I protected my nails and tried the very well-known method. I won't say too much, because I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. The utensils you need are some cotton rounds, scissors, nail polish remover and a little tinfoil.
I cut each cotton round in four pieces and put nail polish remover on them. Then I applied them on the nails and wrapped each finger tip in tinfoil.
I waited for no longer than 5 minutes before I removed it with pressure. You can see that 98% of the glitter disappeared. I took a cotton round and easily removed what remained on the margins.
Please excuse my horrible naked nails. Trust me, you don't want yours to become like that to start considering this method. |
All in all, I can't believe I haven't tried this method earlier - it's an amazingly easy way to remove the glitter. If you are as lazy as I was, try to change it and give foil method a chance. It's worth it!
I love this method!
Cut your cotton in to.pieces who fits your Nails put them in acetone on your Nails for.minute or two same method I'll think little bit easier
Da stiu si mie imi era lene sa folosesc metoda asta pana la o manicura care nu aveam nici o sansa sa scot glitterul...si am fost surprinsa ce usor a fost
E cea mai buna metoda. Insa discheta de bumbac poate fi taiata si in 4 bucati, nu doar 2. Merge perfect de fiecare data. Eu o folosesc la aproape fiecare manichiura.
This is exactly how I do it! It's a Godsend!
cred ca o sa o incerc metoda aceasta chiar zilele acestea,chiar am oja cu glitter momentan pe unghii :)) multumesc Maria
I used to do this but it was kind of a hassle so I found myself never really wearing my pretty glitter polishes. Now I use a glue base. So awesome! Super quick and easy. =)
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