Good news! A new giveaway starts today and it's open internationally.
The rules are simple, fill in the form below. What can you win? Two awesome shades from China Glaze's 2013 Texture collection. Deadline is the 31st of May. Good luck everyone!

I love BBQ and drinkin with friends :)
Really nice giveaway. Thanks! (:
uu sunt tare curioasa de aceste oje.
Vara ador sa merg pe munte :)
Thank you for this giveaway!
What I love about summer is that you can go to the beach!!
Thnk you so much for this giveaway!
What I love about the summer is the weather :) I love getting tunned :D
I love being able to go out for picnics, the beach, having BBQs, there's just so much about summer that I love :-) I also love all the bright colours that are coming out in the stores
super sorteo.
Ai un premiu de la mine! http://clipeperfecte.blogspot.ro/2013/04/super-sweet-blogging-award.html
I love wearing colorful clothes
those china glaze look really nice ..i would love to try them..thanks for the giviaway
What I love about summer is being able to wear dresses without having to wear stockings... letting my legs get a nice tan and staying out late with a nice drink :)
Thank you for the giveaway! I haven't tried a textured nail polish yet, and would love to try it. Those colors are gorgeous! =)
The warm weather! Thanks for this giveaway!
What I love about the summer are seeing/wearing the bright colors on nails, makeup and clothes. I'm definitely a color girl. =)
I love the sun! :)
I appreciate your generosity with new products! Many blessings.....
Graet giveaway and I'm so happy it's international ! :)
And of course I love the sun and warm weather, it makes me feel positive ;)
The energy that I feel everyday I wake up and look at the sun :X
Thank you for this giveaway!
I love the sun and warm weather :)
I love the greenery, blooming flowers and colorful summery clothes :)
I love everything about the summer, longer days, warmth, flowers, birds & butterflies, just to be able to go out and about and not be wrapped up in a duvet!
Thanks for this great giveaway...! ;-)
I love to wear light clothes and sandals in summer.
I love the sunshine on my face and on my hands, the warm summer evenings, sitting in the garden and having a BQ!
holidays to the greek islands
Nice giveaway, thanks :) The thing i most like about the summer is vacationing at seaside.
Thank you for the giveaway!)
I like everything about the summer: the bright colours, the sunshine, dresses and espadrilles.
colors, dresses, sandals, hats :)))
I love being able to swim in my backyard pool in the summer. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
Ice creams, colors and dresses, the beach.. <3
I love the sunny and warm summer days!
The vibrant rich colours! And lotsa excuses for ice-creams!! ♥
I work for a school so I am off work in the summer so I love being home with my kiddos!
Can I enter if I follow you on Feedly?
Late summer nights sitting around a fire
I love about summer being able to travel :)
I love to wear bright nail polish and traveling in summer :D
I love summer because i love the sun..
I love that the day is longer, the sunshine , the beach, the light clothes, ice-cream , i love summer!! :) thanks for this wonderful giveaway!!!
what i like about summer the most is the warmth and of course the fact that it's holidays on summer then you can do whatever you want, go to the seaside, travel around country : )
iubesc soarele si caldura
@Maria Levetzow: You must follow on Bloglovin. If you do that, more entries will appear in the list and you'll see that extra entries are given for following by email.
I love going on vacation!
Warm sunshine :)
Summer favorites include giving my dog a puppy cut to beat the heat, he looks so darn cute and is so very soft :) and Flip Flop season to show off cute pedicures.
Zoya pixie dust 2013
In part I love the lack of college stuff to do but I also like to enjoy the free time I have to do everything that I don't have the time to do during college time! :D
I love that my kids are out of school so no homework, sleeping late (well, a little later), and getting to spend my Fridays off with them.
I love the beach!!
the summer dresses oof course! :)
I love the sun and warm weather!!!!!!!!!!!
Summer is the time for flipflops and dresses!
I love warm weather and sundresses! Yay summer! -Olivia F.
Hangs her head in shame...but i have yet to try the Textured polish, but i SO want to....Thank you for the opportunity to win some, i really appreciate the Give-Away
What I love most about summer are the smells. The scent of flowers in bloom, or the hot street tiles when the sun is blazing. Or after sunbathing, my skin smells so good then!
I love sun and colorful clothes!!!
I love how green and colourful everything looks, the bright dresses you can wear, and going to the seaside in the evenings.
My international giveaway
Thnk you so much for this giveaway!
What I love about the summer is the weather.
definitely the warm weather! I live in Wisconsin aka forever Winter so we don't get much warm weather, only about a month or two.
I love the cool nights of Summer. Though the day times are so hot, the nights are so cool & pleasant.
I love colours, festivals and holiday:))
I love the sun!
Loooking at my brightly painted toes :)
bright nail polishes of course!
I love eating dinner outdoors at sunset with my family.
I love reading a book by the sea!!Great!!
email: fanouria20(at)hotmail.com
I love the warm weather! Thanks for a chance to win :)
I love the bright colors that we finally get to wear! :D
pastel polishes
I love having BBQs and painting my nails with bright colours.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I just love the warm weather!
BBQs and the beach!
Vara este anotimpul meu preferat, pentru ca ador vremea calda, soarele, zilele lungi, marea, hainele vaporoase, iesirile in natura....
The sunshine!! =)
Thanks for this giveaway.
In summer I love swimming in the sea :)
i love summer, sea and sun!
I love summer nights by the sea...the best sense ever...thank you for the amazing giveaway!!
Entered! Thank you for the giveaway! :)
I love summer and I love eating so much ice cream and watermelon
e-mail: floryfrancy(at)inwind(dot)it
Finger crossed! ;)
I love the beach! so much!
I love the beach! so much!
oohladybegood at gmail dot com
I love the sun,the warm weather...I love summer too!
I love that it doesn't snow!
Long days, plenty of sunshine and warm weather!
Lubka K.
Getting tain
Hi, thanks for the giveaway =)
I don't really like summer: it's too hot! But I like relaxing and listening to the birds outside *-*
My main email address: emy.marone@yahoo.it
i love the beach
I love summer because I get to visit the beach!!
I love summer because I get to visit the beach!!
I love summer because it's time for vacation! I love going to the lake and relaxing by the water! :)
less clothes = less washing :) lol! I love long days and balmy nights, time spent with family and friends as our Summer is over Christmas and New Year here in Australia, it really is the party season :)
I love the sun, the hot... the beach *_*
GFC: L557
Email: lisacip@hotmail.it
i love sun but i haven't seen any yet! xx
I love summer because I get to eat a lot of ice-cream, drink cold-drinks, go to summer holidays and walk along the sea-beach during summer.
Thanks for the lovely Giveaway.
My Email : bidishabanerjee@live.com
I love taking cold baths :)
I love going for swimming in summers!
I love the sea!!
GFC Francesca Scirpoli
Bright polish, camping and lake time!!!
The ocean :)
What I love about summer is taking great pictures of the kids doing fun things. We have a community pool down the street and it's free, so they'll spend a good part of the summer swimming!
Thanks for this giveaway! I love eating ice cream under the hot sun.
tanning and having my kids home more!!!
Go to the sea with my bestfriend! ^_^
wearing dressing and sandals
I love the bright sun!
I LOVE trip to the seaside
Thanks for having this giveaway! My favorite thing about summer is the sleeping on the beach (:
about the summer i love the sea :D
I love my birthada....its comingggg lol!
i love the sun an sea :)
I actually hate summer! I'm a winter gal, I much prefer the snow to the summer heat. The thing I like are the thunderstorms that bring the cool air haha.
I love the beach)
Thank you for the Giveaway!
Love that Summer means beaches and barbecue season.
I love the sea and sun in Greece!....
I love the beach <3
thank you for this giveaway!!!!
I love going to the beach, the warm weather and the long summer nights!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love nice weather and summer nights! :)
I love the Sun and the heat!
Good luck every one!
I love warmer weather (altough it is the end of May and the weather looks like February). I want sun!
In summer I love to go to the sea!
My favorite thing about summer is the summer polish collections of course!
Favourite thing of summer in Brazil is going to the lovely beaches throughout all the coast of the country...
I love some pleasant fragrance and bright colors to get me going in summers!!
I love it that way
I love ice creams, for sure!!!
One of many favorite things are all the bright colors I can wear... Sometimes I even look like a parrot :D
Thanks for this giveaway!
Great blog! Thanks for hosting the giveaway! :)
I love to go out without coats and jackets...and always I love to go to the sea :D
I love the long days, the sun, the hot and the beach!!!
Lovely giveaway. In summer, I love the sunshine, warmth and longer days. Plus it seems like everyone is generally in a better mood!
The Miss Beauty Saver Blog
I love simply everything about summer - espacially holidays ;D
in my country summers are like hell.. i hate summers.. i just love mangoes!
I love the sun,the beach and the sea!
I love to go pinic in the sunny weather.
I love being able to go out without wearing a jacket in summer! Painting my toe-nails with pretty polishes and drinking Guinness in a beer garden :) x
Ice cream :P definitely
I love FESTIVALS!!! x
I love that my birthday is in the summer meaning that even in the UK there is more chance of a sunny day and fun at the beach xo
Warmer weather, walks with my daughter and maybe taking my daughter into the pool. :)
I love the warmer weather!!
Perfect shades!
Awesome prizes!
I love the sun,the warm weather...
Kisses from sLOVEnia! ;)
I love the warmth and also rains which one can welcome looking up in the sky enjoying and without catching cold:)
I love that I don't have to wear warm clothes like jackets
Great giveaway!
I love Summer cause of the warm weather (well not always here in Holland :P ) and being able to wear flipflops and open shoes and make matching pedi's with my mani's :) And the day the Summer starts (withthe longest daylight hours ...June 21) is my birthday, so I just have to love Summer :)
I love going to the beach :) laying in the sun
I love how beautifully looks my skin tanned! <3
I love all the new polish collections for summer!
I love the sun, heat, beach, vacations,... I love summer!!!
Thanks for this giveaway. ;)
I love go to the beach, and do "nothing" xD
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