First of all, let me say that I wish you all a happy spring, full of happiness and love! Here in Romania, we wear trinkets with red and white yarns in the honour of the 1st of March. It's our way to celebrate spring's arrival, therefore today's manicure will be a themed one.
Considering the occasion, I decided to go for a saran wrap nail art, as it was the best way to beautifully mix red and withe together. I started with a coat of Avon - Iceberg white on all nails. On my middle and ring fingers, I firstly applied some scotch tape on the edges and then did the saran wrap. The technique is simple: you just pour randomly some drops of white and red polish and them, using transparent wrap, you mix everything until you achieve the wanted effect. The red polish I used is Rimmel - 318 Stand to attention. I finished with clear top coat on all nails and applied some square silver studs from Born Pretty store on the accent nails.
What do you think?

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Foarte dragute <3,pupici,o primavara frumoasa iti doresc
Ce frumoasa e manichiura! ♡♡♡
Foarte frumoasa manichiura ta! <3
Trebuie neaparat sa incerc si eu tehnica saran wrap.
Foarte draguta manichiura!
Foarte frumoase sunt. I also wish you a happy spring!
Your blog is amazing! I do really like it! I know how much time it requires, but you did a really good job! Keep doing it!) I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!
Diana Cloudlet
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