Today I'll show you a Valentine's day manicure I created for an Instagram collab organised by @peaceloveandpolish and @nailslikelace.
I started with two coats of Flormar -M01 and then I stamped the splatter design from BM-416 using Sinful Colors -Cream Pink. Then, using black polishe, I stamped the heart design and the 'xoxo' design from BM-411 and finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Today I'll show you a Valentine's day manicure I created for an Instagram collab organised by @peaceloveandpolish and @nailslikelace.
I started with two coats of Flormar -M01 and then I stamped the splatter design from BM-416 using Sinful Colors -Cream Pink. Then, using black polishe, I stamped the heart design and the 'xoxo' design from BM-411 and finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Here's a collage of all the manicures in the collab. There were 83 participants, can you believe that? If you want to see them all, search for #beminecollabvalentine on Instagram.
Frumoase !
It's so adorable :)
lovely! <3
what a cute mani! i love it!
Minunata manichiura. Imi place baza foarte mult. <3
so pretty!
That is so cute! All I did was paint my nails a bright pink and add some sparkles on top!
Hihi ce furmusele sunt <3
wow! ce frumi! eu inca nu m am hotarat ce port de VD
E un model pe care sincer nu cred ca l-am mai vazut pana acum. Imi place :)
fain fain.. nu mai am timp sa ma jos si eu cu modele pe unghiute :((
Sunt superbe unghiutele tale!
Foarte frumoase! Eu niciodata nu reusesc sa fac modele pe unghii!
Felicitari pentru idee!
Ce frumoase sunt! Trebuie sa fac si eu niste unghiute cu inimioare soon:))
Sunt foarte dragute, eu mi le-am lasat nude. :)
Arata minunat manichiura ta. Imi pare rau ca nu am participat si eu, desi azi chiar am postat un model pentru acest eveniment ;(
O manichiura foarte draguta :)
ce mult imi plac !!!
foarte frumoase!
This is so cute I love that stamp!
Sunt superbe! <3 Si imi plac mult culorile alese, ai niste unghiute foarte frumoase si ingrijite <3
Adorabile! :X
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