Thursday 30 September 2010

Harry Potter Nails

I started a nail art contest for you, but  also took part in a one with the Harry Potter theme.
Here's my manicure for the contest:
If you like it, please vote me here. You have to be a follower of Nailswatches to vote me, so if you are not, just click "follow" on her blog. Otherwise your vote won't be counted.
I hope you like it, and if you do I hope you'll vote for me.
Voting ends on October 13th

Thanks and have a nice day!


Anastacia said...

wow! your entry is so nice!!!

Sunshine Sarah said...

You're really creative! :)))
I love what you do with your nails.


Enigma said...


Susie said...

WOW, you are so creatively talented. :)

Josie said...

Hehehe! So cute! :D

Unknown said...

I voted, great job :)

Maria said...


o said...

That is awesome!! You are so talented!

Confessions of a Beautyholic

Unknown said...

gosh, it is so cool! harry is cute XD!

Anonymous said...

soo cuteeee <3

Recalcitrant Nails said...

Love this - very detailed.

Isabel said...

ahahhaha! wow.. I can't believe you drew that! Especially the nose and mouth. So fine

Unknown said...

Você é muito criativa!!! amei!!!

Pawssies said...

i voted for you!!!!

Maria said...


Alexa1202 said...

Imi place foarte mult cum ti-a iesit! E super. Te-am votat! Sper sa castigi :)

Isabel said...

i loved

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