Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Mummy nails for Halloween

Today I'll show you the design I'll be wearing for Halloween: Mummy nails.

I started with two coats of Flormar -M01 and then I stamped the design from Cheeky Beauty's GA15 stamping plate using black nail polish. Using a nail art brush, I created a thicker black line and then made two red dots using a dotting tool and Illamasqua -Alarm. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think? 

Saturday, 26 October 2013

T.P.A. Group Challenge: 9. Inspired by your favorite quote

Today I'll show you my 9th manicure in the T.P.A. Group Challenge. This one should have been inspired by my favourite quote and I didn't hesitate. Bundle Monster's 2013 plates set include the text of my favourite quote, which is Live. Laugh. Love. 

I started with two coats of Avon -Pearl Pink and then I stamped the design from BM-405 plate using black nail polish. on the accent nail, I stamped the heart design from BM-411 plate using Illamasqua -Alarm. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Here are the other girls who participated in this challenge:
1. Oana -
2. Andra (Sophie) -
3. Madalina -
4. Rita -
5. Maria (Konad Addict) -
6. Roxy (Beautylicious) -
7. Mihaela -
8. Iulia -

Friday, 25 October 2013

[CLOSED] Firmoo Eyeglasses giveaway

Today I have a giveaway post for you in collaboration with Firmoo. If you didn't here about them yet, Firmoo is the World's Most Popular Online Eyeglasses Store. They have always been committed themselves to offering customers the best quality products at the most affordable prices which start at 8 dollars, which is 80%-90% lower compared to that in the local stores. I myself have a pair from them; see my post here.

The prize is one pair of glasses of your choice from the Classic Series. Moreover, five people will get vouchers with 50% discount and free shipping for any order of Classic Series eyeglasses.

Fill in the form below to enter. Only those who comment this post telling which pair they would like to win will be valid contestants. The giveaway starts today and ends on the 1st of November. Good luck!

The first 3 entries are mandatory.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Are you familiar with the Firmoo First Pair Free Program? If you don't win, you still have the chance to get some glasses for free. Each of you and your families could test Firmoo products for free, by paying shipping only. Didn't it yet stir your interest? Go to their website to read more about this offer.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

T.P.A. Group Challenge: 8. Inspired by Cartoons ft. Golden Rose Holiday #54

Today I'll show you my new simple, yet incredibly elegant manicure. I just applied two coats of Golden Rose -Holiday #54 on all nails. The matte glittery effect is gorgeous!

Astazi va voi arata noua mea manichiura simpla, dar incredibil de eleganta. Am aplicat doar doua straturi de Golden Rose -Holiday #54 pe toate unghiile. Efectul de glitter mat este absolut minunat!
Nu uitati ca daca locuiti pe teritoriul Romaniei puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Daca va inregistrati acum, beneficiati de o reducere de 10% la prima comanda. Urmariti si pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a afla toate noutatile.

 For the eighth theme of T.P.A. Group Challenge, Inspired by Cartoons, I used some Hello Kitty water decals from Born Pretty. They come in a set of 8 sheets of decals with all kind of designs. What do you think?

Pentru a opta tema din T.P.A. Group Challenge, Inspirata din desene animate, am folosit  niste water decals cu Hello Kitty, pe care le am de pe Born Pretty. Este un set de 8 hartii cu tot felul de modele, printre care si acesta. Ce parere aveti?

The other girls who participated:
6. Maria (Konad Addict) -

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Feather manicure

Today I'll show you my new black and white manicure. I started with two coats of Flormar -M01 (white) and then I added Flormar #399 (black) on the tips, using a sponge.  On my thumb and ring finger I applied some feather water decals from KKCenterhk. You can find them here on their website. If you order anything from them this year, don't forget to use 'KONADNAILS' cuppon code for a 10% discount.

Astazi va voi arata noua mea manichiura alb-negru. Am inceput prin a aplica doua straturi de Flormar -M01 (alb), iar apoi am aplicat  Flormar #399 (negru) pe varfuri, folosind un burete. Pe unghia degetului mare si pe cea a inelarului am aplicat niste water decals in forma de pene pe care le am de pe KKCenterhk. Le puteti gasi aici pe site-ul lor. Daca o sa comandati ceva de la ei anul acesta, nu uitati sa folositi codul 'KONADNAILS' pentru o reducere de 10%.

On the rest of the nails, I applied a coat of Golden Rose -Impression #12. I finished with clear top coat on all nails. What do you think?

Pe restul unghiilor, am aplicat un strat de Golden Rose -Impression #12. Am terminat cu un top cpat transparent. Ce parere aveti?

Nu uitati ca puteti achizitiona ojele Golden Rose si online, de pe Daca va inregistrati acum, beneficiati de o reducere de 10% la prima comanda. Urmariti si pagina de facebook Golden Rose Romania pentru a afla toate noutatile.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Bundle Monster 2013 "Create your own" nail stamping plates

Today I'll show you the new 2013 "Create your own" nail stamping plates and my butterfly wings manicure.

This set contains 26 different stamping plates, unlike the previous ones which only contain 25. The designs on them were created by inventive fans and I have to admit that they had brilliant ideas. I'll live you with some pictures so you can make an idea.

For the manicure below, I started with two coats of Flormar -DC06 and then stamped the design from BM-424 plate using black polish. I filled in the dots using Shimmer Polish -Lucie. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Visit Bundle Monster's website and like their facebook page if you want to find out more about their products. You may also want to follow them on twitterGoogle+ and Pinterest. They also sell their image plates on Amazon and eBay at reasonable prices and ship them worldwide. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

My Golden Rose nail polish arsenal

Some of you might have already seen this picture on my facebook page. Today I'll show you the 14 polishes from Golden Rose that I own. They're from various collections, such as Impression, Holiday. Rich Color, Carnival and Jolly Jewels.

Unele dintre voi poate ati vazut deja aceasta poza pe pagina mea de facebook. Astazi va voi arata cele 14 oje Golden Rose pe care le detin. Acestea sunt din diferite colectii, cum ar fi Impression, Holiday. Rich Color, Carnival si Jolly Jewels.

Impression is a collection which 'impresses' with the feather effect it gives to the manicure. The glitter particles are coloured, long and thin. Feather nails are lately a trend.

Impression este o colectie care reuseste sa 'impresioneze' prin efectul de pene ce il da manichiurii. Particulele de glitter sunt colorate, lungi si subtiri. In ultima vreme, unghiile cu pene sunt un adevarat trend. Le puteti gasi AICI pe site-ul Cosmania.

Holiday is a textured nail polish collection, also known as sand effect or sugar effect. It actually is a glittery polish with a matte finish. I for one fell in love with this nail polish trend. There are 31 shades available. The ones from #51 to #60 have silver particles and those from #61 to #67 are only matte. The rest of them are part of the Summer collection and there are neon shades.

Holiday este o colectie de oje texturate, cunoscute si ca oje cu efect de nisip sau cu efect de zahar. De fapt, sunt oje cu glitter si cu finish mat. Eu personal m-am indragostit de acest trend. Exista 31 de nuante disponibile in aceasta colectie. Cele de la #51 la #60 au in ele particule argintii, iar cele de la #61 la #67 sunt doar mate. Restul fac parte din colectia Summer si nuantele sunt neonice. Le puteti gasi AICI pe site-ul Cosmania.
From left to right: #53, #54, #58, #59, #75 and #80.
++ zoom ++
Here are two coats of Holiday #75. Aici sunt doua straturi de Holiday #75.
From left to right: Rich Color #18, Carnival #1 and #14, Jolly Jewels #111 and #119
Gasiti AICI ojele din colectia Carnival pe site-ul Cosmania.

Gasiti AICI ojele din colectia Jolly Jewels pe site-ul Cosmania.

There will be plenty of Golden Rose manicures on the blog, so stay close!

Vor fi multe manichiuri cu ojele Golden Rose pe blog, asa ca stati pe aproape! Pana atunci, inregistrati-va pe site-ul pentru a primi 10% reducere la prima comanda. 

Also, let this be my second pink manicure this month. 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

T.P.A. Group Challenge: 6. Inspired by tattoos

Today I'll show you my manicure for the weekly T.P.A. Group Challenge. The theme was 'Inspired by tattoos' and I chose one I really love to paint on my nails. I started with two coats of Avon -Sea Breeze. Then I stamped the birds from Bundle Monster's BM-315 plate using black polish on all nails except from those two nails on which I wrote the text with a really thin brush. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think? Stay around for next week's theme: Inspired by a celebrity.

The other girls who participated:
2. Maria (Konad Addict) -
3. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) - 
9. Mihaela - 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - week #1

As you all might know, October is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness. Bloggers usually gather and create themed manicures and this year, Nail Glaze took the initiative. We will post pink manicures every week, so stay close if you want to see them all.

I started with two coats of Revlon -Sugar Glaze, which is a beautifully scented nail polish. Then, I stamped the design from Bundle Monster's BM-321 plate using Sinful Colors -Dream on on my accent nail. On the rest of the nails, I applied a coat of Nicole by OPI -Confetti fun. As glitter was involved in the manicure, I assume that you already got accustomed to my habit to matify it. I used Flormar -Matifying top coat on all nails for this. What do you think?

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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